
We give because we love the Lord. As the Lord has called me into full-time ministry, I have experienced Him in such a mighty was as Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider. I am a firm believer that if He calls you to something, He will always bring you through it, and if you are in His will, He will cover the bill.

Your donation allows me to continue to do this full time, but also helps with the spreading of the gospel. It helps cover not only the travel expenses for myself, but other sisters and brothers the Lord calls to assist on the missions trips.

The goal is that eventually, when the Lord calls me to host women’s retreats and events, there would be no need to have a ticket cost of any sort as the gospel is free! 

If this ministry has blessed you in any way, and you feel led to sow, click the link below.  All of the seeds that are sown go right back into the ministry or are sown into other kingdom ministries or businesses.