A Testimony of Restoration & Redemption

Season of Revelation

Rachael Niles

At a very young age, I knew the Lord had called me to be different. Although, I wasn’t raised in a Christian household, I had an idea of who God was and truly thought that I knew  Him.

For the first few years of my life, my dad was living in Philadelphia while my mother and I were in Canada. This led to feelings of rejection and resentment towards my father. I would constantly ask myself,  ‘Why would he would leave us all alone, was work really that important?’

I forced myself to be the rock of the household at such a young age in order to be an emotional support for my mom, who was overworking to provide for us. In these early years, I dealt with multiple occasions of sexual abuse which opened the door to homosexuality.

I was about 5 years old when  I noticed that I was attracted to women, however, I always had this knowing that it wasn’t right. I was ashamed and felt very alone. I didn’t have any one to talk to. This then lead to years of depression. I started to cry out for help. This led to me stealing in order to buy myself things that made me happy temporarily. I later turned to basketball which became my entire identity. All I could think about was basketball. 

My senior year of high school, stress and anxiety kicked in, as I was desperate to get recruited. As a result the memories from my past traumas that I had blocked out for so long came flooding back. I ended up having a really bad panic attack and was referred to a Therapist who put me on anti-depressants. This also opened up the door to finally confess to parents the issues I was dealing with and the abuse I had went through as a child.

 A few months later, by God’s mercy I had received my only division 1 offer and committed to a  school in New Jersey. Not realizing basketball was an ‘idol’ –  basketball ended up being my identity – especially given the obstacles I had overcome to get where I was.   Because of this blessing, I started to become curious about the Lord, but was still not ready to fully commit.

Entering college, I tried my best to fit in. The people that knew about my struggles encouraged me to ‘be true to myself’ and be open about my sexuality. I began to grow more and more comfortable in the world, even though deep down I always felt off. I began to party a lot, and find worthless joy in the fast, college life. Mid-year, another traumatic family event hit.  This led to my depression coming back full force.  I ended up relying on drugs and alcohol to cope. I was growing tired and weary, but little did I know God had a plan for me.

Salvation, Wilderness & Tribulation

 .At the end of my freshman year, during summer session, a friend from Canada came to New York to attend a church conference with his mom and Pastor, and asked to hang out.  I threw on a tracksuit and some slides and waited for them to pick me up. Looking at my attire he asked me if that was what I was wearing to church. I told him I was under the impression that we were just going to hang out, but he emphasized we were going to church.  I hadn’t been to church in years, and had no idea what to expect. Through the grace of God, the entirety of that sermon was directed at me, and it felt as though the Lord was addressing me personally. I felt a tug on my heart and approached the Pastor after service. She began to bring up things from my past that I had never told anyone.  From that point I knew that Jesus had never left me nor forsaken me. It was that moment, I knew that there was a purpose for why I went through what I did.

I started seeking God earnestly. However, spiritual warfare came and hit me head on.  I got baptized in April 2020 during Covid despite of it all, yet still seemed to struggle with giving into temptation. The summer of 2020, I was sexually abused again.  This time by someone I had greatly loved.  Someone who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. During my trials, the Lord guided me and surrounded me with fellowship who helped get me through the pain.  I was hopeful, as I knew that as devastating as that event was in my life, the Lord was going to use my testimony to help women who had experienced the same type of abuse. In 2021 I got delivered, but as a result of another disgusting encounter with men, I ended up going back to my old ways. I continued to wrestle with my sexuality and went back to my vomit.  God, however, continued to work on me and prophesied many things over me.  The Lord called me to the role of an evangelist although I had no clue how it would come to pass. I started to dream consistently and the Holy Spirit took control and guided me in the prophetic gifting that the Lord so generously blessed me with.

Senior year came and I lasted about 2 months before the world started creeping back. This time I allowed myself to enter into an immoral relationship with a woman, whom I was ready to throw away my salvation for. The Lord warned me and prophesied how messy the breakup would be if I continued. After the breakup, I hit rock bottom. I lost all my friends and was completely and utterly alone. I couldn’t even be mad at God because my brokeness was a result of my sins.  I turned back to substance abuse; smoking and drinking even more just to numb the pain. No matter how much substance I used, nothing was able to drown out God’s voice for me to go back to him. I intensely prayed that He hurt me so bad that I would never turn back; boy did the Lord deliver.

God's Grace: Season of Fruition

My grad year, I transferred to a Division II school in New Mexico in hopes for a new beginning. After growing in faith during the summer months, my focus was solely on Jesus. I prayed that this time around, it would be my final test, and that I would finally break through from this season of wilderness. On my way to New Mexico, the Lord gracefully worked through me.  This is when I had my first experience casting out unclean spirits out of a brother (in the faith) who accompanied me. My stay in New Mexico wasn’t very long but the Lord continued to work on me and mold me. At that moment, I trusted the Lord with my heart and soul, I let go of the women, drugs and the alcohol. I got rebaptized and fully surrendered.

Now, I am completely sold out for Jesus.  Absolutely nothing can hinder me from fulfilling my purpose. I am in complete obedience to His will, and no longer feeding my flesh. Looking back now I realize that when you are chosen by God, your peace comes from Him and not from the world. I am extremely thankful that the Holy Spirit kept me strong and that the Lord has freed me from all my addictions and my pain.  It was through these trials and tribulations, I was able to learn the importance of obedience, and how to discern and hear God’s voice. I started to understand that it was through my brokenness that the Lord refined me so that I can be a witness of his glory.  There were so many times I almost threw in the towel and gave up on God. But even through my sins; through my struggle; through my unfaithfulness; God remained faithful. I am so unworthy, but yet God’s grace and tender mercies continued to lift me up. 

Glory be to God that I am finally freed from my strongholds. I thank God that He stuck by me, He could have gave me over to a reprobate mind, but He didn’t. He stayed patient with me, and now I am burning for Him.  I am forever grateful, that Jesus took me from my lowest point and has divinely accelerated me to fulfill my calling. 

All of this, is just the start of my journey. I have so many more testimonies to share.  With this, I invite you to take that leap of faith with me, to fulfill our purpose together, and help build God’s Kingdom here on earth.  .