There are certain things that the Lord is trying to show you personally in this season. The wilderness prepares and transforms you to fit the calling that the Lord has destined for you to be in. It may seem like nobody is there for you. It may seem like you are all alone. It may seem like The Lord has abandoned you, but in His word, He promises to never leave nor forsake us. Remember the teacher is silent during the test, and the wilderness is definitely a season of testing. 

God sees your tears, He hears your cries. When you look at the story of Hagar the Egyptian slave who was the carrier of Ishmael, Abram’s son… it was in the wilderness where she was able to experience God’s kindness and grace. The Lord found her by a well of water in the wilderness, and asked her where she was coming and where she was going. Of course the Lord knows these questions, the same way he had already known where Adam and Eve were hiding, but yet he asked anyway. It was in the wilderness where Hagar called Him El-Roi, which means ‘the God who sees me’ (Genesis 16:1-14). 

God sees you, wherever you’re at. He sees where you’ve come from, where you are, and where you’re about to be. If you continue to draw nigh unto the Lord, He will draw nigh unto you. 

It’s in the wilderness, that the Lord teaches you how to fully depend on Him. You may not understand why He has you there, but you must understand that it is for a purpose. The wilderness reminds us of what He has taken us out of. The wilderness purges the things that we cannot take to the promised land. It’s in the promised land where the Lord wishes to speak tenderly to you (Hosea 2:14).

In the wilderness, you are hungry, the Bible tells us that while Jesus was in the wilderness, He hungered after He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. When Elijah was fleeing from Jezebel, the Lord fed Elijah and offered Him rest. The enemy will try to tempt you in this place and make you hunger, thirst and rest in the wrong things. But we need to understand that it is here where the Lord is pruning and preparing us. The wilderness will prepare and transform you into the vessel that the Lord needs in order to step into your God-ordained purpose. 

Don’t be like Israel. Don’t reminisce on the past and mourn over what’s being taken from you. Don’t be like Lot’s wife and look back at the past. Don’t grow weary, or bitter. Don’t even give an inch for your flesh. Keep on the helmet of salvation through the midst of it.  Take heart and get ready for what is to come! Remember, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and it was after the wilderness that His ministry took off. We already have the victory in Christ! Worship while you wait, and bring shame to the enemy. Use this time to fall back in love with the Lord. He is waiting on you.

Scriptures to meditate on: 

Hosea 2:14, Genesis 16:1-14, 1 Kings 19, Matthew 4:4, Hebrews 11:1, Isaiah 43:18-19, Psalm 126:5-6, Acts 16:25

Questions to Reflect on: 

Do you think you’re in a wilderness season? Why or why not?

Would you say you’ve been patiently enduring?
Has this season strengthened your faith? 

What are some things you feel the Lord has been showing you lately?

What scriptures have you been meditating on?